2009. július 3., péntek

Ő mondta... / She said

Kérlelem lányomat, mielőtt nyaralni megy Bánkra. Sajnos előfordult már, hogy elkószált.
-Hanga, kérlek ne csavarogj el soha, igérd meg, hogy nem csavarogsz el a strandon sem!
-De azért a fejemet csavargathatom? - válaszolja láthatatlan mosollyal...

1 megjegyzés:

  1. hello Gabriella!
    thank you for commenting on my blog! we went on holiday to Hungary, to Stzigetvar, because my parents in law co-rents a vineyard there and wanted to take us there. it was a great journey and Hungary is a lovely country.
    I was happy to visit your blog, but did not understand much:) I wasn't in Hungary long enough to learn the language.
    Hope your trip home was safe and that you are happily back in Hungary!
    ps. I would like it very much if you follow my blog. and the nut house-blog is great!
    all the best to you!
